Cam's Kitchen

Cam's Kitchen
My Grandaughter in her first kitchen

Monday, April 12, 2010

Here's to the Ladies who Brunch

Eating and socializing in NY is one in the same. As I have started blogging and spreading the word to all my friends of my adventures in food - advice is pouring in.
Friends and some not close friends have offered food tips, resturant tip, shared receipes, dining thoughts and invited them to join the 2 girls on eating expeditions.
This one girl has enjoyed this tremdously. My big huge ass would like to thank you as well...but that would be another addition to 2 girls...perhaps named 2 girls need a gym.
Sunday's in NY...especially in Spring bring out the best this world has to offer.
Lovely people strolling through the park. Pretty children frolking down the streets of Manhattan.
Crowds of smart looking groups waiting to brunch.
It's a quest...a very social setting for stranger's to engage conversation.
"oh did you brunch ? " "where'd ya brunch?" "free mimosa's ??...WHERE ?"
As one of my dearest friends, Corey asked me to join a few Sunday's ago to Brunch I happily accepted.
I had recently always worked on Sunday's so my brunching was limited. From time to time I would do brunch and always loved it.
I would walk past happy people with envy. Sometimes the outside seaters would disgust me...many times I was tempted to lean over the planters and take a bite or sip the water.
Just kidding...well kind of...I did have brunch envy.
Just the word Brunch ...mmmm...2 meals in one ?? fabulous. Extended stays at a table with food and drink ? In the words of Cole Porter....Who could ask for anything more.
The first brunch that started the best brunch group ever was when I met Corey's friend Chad. Or as Corey calls him " Fat Girl".
Chad is neither fat or a girl. He is the most lovely new friend I now have in my life and is funny as hell, darling and sweet and legs that go up to Maine. Chad and Corey met while on tour...they're showgirls. Well not really. But both amazing dancers.
We met in union square this one particualr Sunday.
Very impromtu. We stood outside Diesel looking up on iphone...brunches with free booze.
It was nearing 1 PM and traditionally in NY that was the start time for busy brunch. Bunch is a small window..maybe 12 or 1 start and ends at 4. Promptly. So we skiddaled to Cafeteria.
I hadn't been to Cafeteria in some time. It was a place I had frequented quite alot for years. The best Chicken Fried Steak with mashed potatos. Mac and cheese make my top 3 list and delicious Cafeteria cosmos.
Our wait was about 30 minutes...extremly good for a busy popular trendy place.
Corey ordered a beecker of cosmo. The best was bigger than a pitcher and smaller than a bread box filled to the rim.
Breakfast was lovely. Chad was charming. Corey is my heart.
As male dancers, Chad and Corey have those amazing long legs, lean tall bodies and grace of a giselle. But the poor things are on a mission to bulk up a bit. So the eating begins.
I LOVE eating with them so makes me feel like a skinny girl. I'm not exactly fat...although remember my constant growing ass. But I am not, never was and never will be anorexia skinny. Not that I would choose to be...but it would be nice to drop down a dress size to my usual size 6...or maybe a 4. So yes...not really having a food issue. I love food and damn it I'm gonna eat.
But Chad and Corey...they are impressive. It is not unusal for them to order 2 meals. Or one side of the menu.
I knew right then and there...this had to be the Ladies who Brunch.

This was one of those fabulous NY Sunday's...after brunch we strolled to High Line. For those that were like me and thought this to be a fancy old classic lounge...wrong. Although I think there is something of similar name.
High Line was a project that has been long underway in NY history. A rail way built years ago to bring produce and goods to the west side of Manhattan. After years of more trains traveled through that route. It just sat there.
A few developers tried to come up with ideas...I think. But nothing ever happened. The west side itself is such an inigma. Almost like the word inigma..I stil to this day am never sure what that means. I think that's actually the meaning...unknown. Unrpredicatable...hard to understand. inigma.
Anyhoo...I believe the story goes. The rail way tracks has grown over years and years of unculivated nature. A few years ago...someone made it into a park, but more of a promenade. wood walk ways, a little seating here and there. benches. overlooking the Hudson.
It's way west side...still a bit of a hike and you have to walk up these never ending stairs. Yeah...I know great for cardio. A lovely view and an interesting story.
Mind you I'm not exactly sure of the story...but it's close, I think.

We met a gaggle of Chad's friends there. 2 girls and a bunch of boys. Paul told me the story, since he had lived in that area not too long ago. His story telling was much better than my recollection. But it helps to be tall blonde and beautiful...Paul is the tall blonde and beautiful one. He could have been telling me the lastest epsiode of the Hills for all I know.
The gaggle had brunched at Lips...recount of don't go for the brunch. You go for the entertainment.
A few gagglers were from out of town, so I think that is why the choice was made for them to try Lips.
Lips is a fun transvesite restaurant/bar.Drag show. I actually have never been...typical NYer...never went to the top of the Statue of Liberty either. Or staten Island. I could probably skip Staten Island...but never say never.

The gaggle and gays and me...went on to a nice little gay bar in Chelsea. Sunday afternoon happy hour and a patio in back. Lovely.
The day was filled with new places and a lot of alcohol.

Later that evening Corey and I headed on the R train to queens. Where...I heard 2 women ask if I work at this bar in the village. I looked down and saw customers I had the previous Friday night.
They loved me..and i them. Nice girls and good tippers.
The conversation led to...what else...did you brunch ?? where ?? how was it ?? etc.
Corey and I then ended up in Astoria where we realized we hadn't eaten since early in the day and we had a full day of Sunday in we found this lovely place on Broadway...the one in Queens not Manhattan.
The music was great, service lovely, prices good...and food well alot like over the bridge.
It was the end to a perfect start of the Brunch Bunch.

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