Cam's Kitchen

Cam's Kitchen
My Grandaughter in her first kitchen

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The End of the Year

So many things have happened, and so many things had stayed the same. I was crazed and stressed then switched off the work light I had been doing for 6 years.
My writing and eating and this experience of blogging was a passion. A labor of love. Even with one follower and friends reading it from time to time.
I had been working a day job, retail, management for Capezio, a Dance Store. A lovely dance store. But after years of working long hours, going above and beyond. Subjecting myself to the scrutiny of superiors with far less experience than a stock boy. Yet they would come to me for advice and guidance and I would happily offer what I could. To only be bypassed for advancement and recognition too many times.
After 6 years of achieving all I know I would, I left.
This Bar girl was relying on the Bar to cover my NYC rent and NYC life.
I went to do some marketing for Webster Hall...a lovely place, but a bigger mess that Capezio. I still offer free lance work. But when I present them with a Tony Award party for one of the Hottest new Musicals on Broadway, Priscilla Queen of the Desert. They couldn't do the party, or even give me a price quote.
I now am pursuing my Marketing business. I don;t pursue it often, and my self doubt has made me lazy and complacent.
This year I found more time on sophie the sofa and watching Stevie the TV. Working at the bar as often as I could and taking on the lifestyle of that industry. Getting home 2 or 4 in the morrning. Starting my day at 2. Sleeping til noon. Although I would still wake up at 7...that internal clock I can't seem to shake unless I'm totally hungover or still drunk at 7 AM.
My daily life was hours of bad TV. I can explain all episodes of How I met your Mother. Real Housewives of almost all the cities, The Kardasians and Top Chef's. Those people became my friends and social life for a good part of 2011. I love Marshall Erickson. I would probably date Barney. And I'm wondering what to get for Lily's baby. I get a little concerned that Padma may be losing too much weight and want to slap most of the real Housewives. Well actually all of the real housewives.
I was on a slippery slope.
Other than work at the bar and shopping for food. I did very little.
My restaurant reviews were becoming non-exisitent. Mostly for lack of cash. So, my cooking skills became more challenged.
Living in Sunnyside Queens life is home. It's families. Now families live in Manhattan. I know its true because I had seen them.
Its a bit quieter here in Sunnyside. The buildings aren't as tall. And yes. It is sunny.
I cook here. I have a real kitchen and not just a 2x2 counter.

So all this cooking has made me fatter. Hard to believe since I ate pretty rich foods when I would go out all the time.

I have mastered a few dishes and never have unhappy visitors.

After this entry was started I left in the middle.
Joining it now. my life changed many more times.
Webster Hall is closing. Another life time establishment. Icon of the city. Bad management and high rents. I didn't stay but a month or so. There was no direction and I could see why they weren't doing well. I left and bartended full time and then eventually was offered a great job as GM at Grishko. I was back in dance. That was for about 2 yrs...then the Judy curse struck and as the GM's before me...I was the 3rd to get the boot because this woman thinks she is Queen. I left unemployed for a few months. Then became a Pookie Girl.
That was good for almost 3 yrs.
Now I get to sit all day in pretty little clothes. Work with pretty people in suits and polished nails.

Food is the only thing that has always stuck. So here I am again.

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