Cam's Kitchen

Cam's Kitchen
My Grandaughter in her first kitchen

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Food is a relationship.

The worse date ever. 
This would be that guy that says he’s one thing, but you find out in a NY minute that he’s so not all that. 
Liars – he isn’t 6 ft. he’s 5’6” not even close. 
Said he works in finance…he robs banks
Entrepreneur – owns his own Pedi cab
Single – he’s not. He may be in his own mind, just forgot to tell his girlfriend.
Married ??? it’s complicated.
Really likes you…calls once. Then stops. Asks you out…but it never works out. 
He’s into you…but not enough to make an effort.
Takes you to dinner…but his card is declined. Performs the “ what the hell is wrong with my bank “ act. 
This is a 2 act play…monologue on his cell phone with the bank. Good performance does the angry guy on the phone. Reality…he called a recording or no one is on the other end. 
Finale of the 2nd act…you step in and pay for dinner while the manager and bus boys wait for “your date” to resolve the problem. 
He’s embarrassed…apologizes. He thinks you’re amazing…so you cut him some slack and forgive him. Even buy him dessert. 

Best Date ever….the one that you know you can have a relationship with me. 
Hot and sweet…kind and gentle…make you laugh. Makes you cry. 
Likes you as much as you like him. 
I’m still waiting. 

Note – Jennifer and I are not professional food reviewers. Not culinary experts. We’re just two girls that work at a bar and we get hungry.

These will not be listed chronically or alphabetically.
It’s all random and whatever pops into out heads. Basically as memory serves us. 

Just like people we meet…just because we don’t remember your name or many details it doesn’t mean we didn’t like you. 

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