Cam's Kitchen

Cam's Kitchen
My Grandaughter in her first kitchen

Monday, February 15, 2010

Soup to Nuts

I love this time of year...clear bright skies. A lovely noreastern and a week of soups. 

The day of The Snow Storm in 2010 I made it home in the afternoon and decided on a cauliflower soup. 
I searched on epicurious and found Cauliflower Soup with Percorino Romano and Truffle Oil. 
adding bacon on top and 3 kind of sauteed mushrooms. 
I magic bulleted the cooked cauliflower and leeks. 
Which created an odd...yet interesting green. Leeks are a new item I have recently added into my cooking life. I like it. It's lovely and strong and pretty. It makes me think of Ireland, St. Patricks Day and sweet blue eyed boys with Irish accents. 
Adding salt, pepper to the mix I cooked all the veggies together. Adding chicken stock and half and half. 
I am so sorry but I did come from the culinary institute of I don't really measure because I don't like math and Grandma never did. 
So it's a guess...and taste...and instinct. Usually it is spot on. A lovely Top Chef term that all the kids are using now. 
OH..garlic. I use garlic in everything. 
The soup itself turned out lovely. 
Then topped with the bacon and mushrooms made it a meal. 

2nd soup...broccoli. same thing but with broccoli. minus the bacon and mushrooms. Although I think you can have bacon in anything and everything. It truly is the perfect food. 

#3 - Mushroom. The 3 mushrooms I used earlier (any 3...pick a mushroom, I like them all) .grill in butter and garlic. Then magic bullet..tap tap tap. Add in all the same...half and half. chicken stock. salt pepper and taadaaa....a warm tan colored smooth bit of heaven. 

TODAY's SPECIAL - Cauliflower soup with 3 cheeses. Gureye, jarlsberg and parmesano reggiano. With grilled shallots. half and half, chicken stock. salt and pepper...and a lot of love. 

RESTUARANT TOUR...note. The tour is taking a bit of a detour. 
Next month is my birthday. I am going to Vail to spend it with my sister...Jen is meeting us. 
I will be reviewing on the road. Meanwhile...Vail does not come cheap. So eating out will be a little more controlled this next few weeks.  
Which is why this is a perfect month for cooking at home. 

Brushetta - sliced on an angle french bread. 
In the micro I melt a bit of butter. grate one small garlic clove and add olive oil. Mix and brush on the sliced bread. Broil for a few minutes until slightly brown.
Then chop red onion and tomatos..add a bit of balsamic dressing. save to top last.
Pesto Sauce- magic bullet a bunch of fresh basil. add olive oil, salt and pepper cheese and pine nuts. 
Brush on the pesto to the grilled garlic toasts. add grated parm. then top with the tomato and onion mixture. 

Serve this with a yummy soup and it's a perfect winter meal. 

Sorry...I didn't really mention nuts. 

Except that I work with alot of them. Nuts that is. 

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